Command line tools
The following command line tools are installed as part of the package
mastercard ipm tools
Converts Mastercard IPM files to csv format
Default input file encoding is latin-1
. See Python encodings for other options.
Fields defined as datetime in the ISO8583 config will be rendered in the CSV as ISO 8601 calendar date format.
usage: mci_ipm_to_csv [-h] [-o OUT_FILENAME] [--in-encoding IN_ENCODING]
[--out-encoding OUT_ENCODING]
[--no1014blocking] [--config-file CONFIG_FILE] [--version]
Mastercard IPM to CSV
positional arguments:
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-o OUT_FILENAME, --out-filename OUT_FILENAME
--in-encoding IN_ENCODING
--out-encoding OUT_ENCODING
--config-file CONFIG_FILE
File containing cardutil configuration - JSON format
--version show program's version number and exit
Changes the encoding of a Mastercard IPM parameter file
usage: mci_ipm_param_encode [-h] [-o OUT_FILENAME] [--in-encoding IN_ENCODING]
[--out-encoding OUT_ENCODING]
[--in-format {vbs,1014}][--out-format {vbs,1014}]
Mastercard IPM param file encoder
positional arguments:
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-o OUT_FILENAME, --out-filename OUT_FILENAME
--in-encoding IN_ENCODING
--out-encoding OUT_ENCODING
--in-format {vbs,1014}
--out-format {vbs,1014}
--version show program's version number and exit
Changes the encoding of a Mastercard IPM file
usage: mci_ipm_encode [-h] [-o OUT_FILENAME]
[--in-encoding IN_ENCODING] [--out-encoding OUT_ENCODING]
[--in-format {vbs,1014}][--out-format {vbs,1014}]
Mastercard IPM file encoder
positional arguments:
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-o OUT_FILENAME, --out-filename OUT_FILENAME
--in-encoding IN_ENCODING
--out-encoding OUT_ENCODING
--in-format {vbs,1014}
--out-format {vbs,1014}
--version show program's version number and exit
Creates a Mastercard IPM file from a csv file
Parsing of string dates
Parsing of dates contained in the input CSV file will be different based on:
if you have the python-dateutil library installed – it will use its date parser
if you are using python 3.7 or above - will use datetime.fromisodate function
Otherwise, it will use a simple parser that will attempt 3 patterns:
ccyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss ccyy-mm-dd hh:mm ccyy-mm-dd
It is recommended that if you require more than basic ISO 8601 calendar date parsing, that you install the python-dateutil module.
Inclusion of both PDS and DE fields that contain PDS fields
If your CSV file contains both PDS fields (PDSxxxx) and DE fields that are used to store PDS fields (like DE48) then the contents of DE48 will dropped and the PDS fields provided will overwrite the value.
You should either provide ALL PDS fields or provide the DE fields that contain PDS fields but not both.
usage: mci_csv_to_ipm [-h] [-o OUT_FILENAME] [--in-encoding IN_ENCODING]
[--out-encoding OUT_ENCODING]
[--no1014blocking] [--config-file CONFIG_FILE] [--version]
CSV to Mastercard IPM
positional arguments:
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-o OUT_FILENAME, --out-filename OUT_FILENAME
--in-encoding IN_ENCODING
--out-encoding OUT_ENCODING
--config-file CONFIG_FILE
File containing cardutil configuration - JSON format
--version show program's version number and exit
Extracts parameter tables from the IPM parameter extracts files
usage: mci_ipm_param_to_csv [-h] [-o OUT_FILENAME]
[--in-encoding IN_ENCODING] [--out-encoding OUT_ENCODING]
[--no1014blocking] [--expanded]
[--config-file CONFIG_FILE] [--version]
in_filename table_id
Mastercard IPM parameter file to CSV
positional arguments:
in_filename IPM Parameter file to process
table_id Parameter table to extract
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-o OUT_FILENAME, --out-filename OUT_FILENAME
--in-encoding IN_ENCODING
--out-encoding OUT_ENCODING
--config-file CONFIG_FILE
File containing cardutil configuration - JSON format
--version show program's version number and exit
config file
Command line tools can allow passing of configuration to customise the tool behavior.
There are 2 ways the custom configuration can be provided:
to location of file containing configurationset CARDUTIL_CONFIG environment variable to point to folder containing
The format is a JSON object containing the config variable from the package file.
See cardutil.config
This is an example only. Please refer to cardutil.config
for full details.
"bit_config": {
"1": {"field_name": "Bitmap secondary", "field_type": "FIXED", "field_length": 8},
"other bits": {},
"127": {"field_name": "Network data", "field_type": "LLLVAR", "field_length": 0}
"output_data_elements": [
"MTI", "DE2", "DE3", "DE4", "DE12", "DE14", "DE22", "DE23", "DE24", "DE25", "DE26",
"DE30", "DE31", "DE33", "DE37", "DE38", "DE40", "DE41", "DE42", "DE48", "DE49",
"DE50", "DE63", "DE71", "DE73", "DE93", "DE94", "DE95", "DE100", "PDS0023",
"PDS0052", "PDS0122", "PDS0148", "PDS0158", "PDS0165", "DE43_NAME", "DE43_SUBURB",
"mci_parameter_tables": {
"IP0006T1": {
"card_program_id": {"start": 19, "end": 22},
"data_element_id": {"start": 22, "end": 25},
"data_element_name": {"start": 25, "end": 82},
"data_element_format": {"start": 82, "end": 85}