Developer API


$ pip install cardutil


Parsers for ISO8583 messages.

The iso8583 module provides ISO8583 message parsing functions. See ISO8583 Wikipedia page. for more details. Also supports Mastercard ® PDS field structures.

The parsing functions are modelled on the python standard json library. The functions convert raw ISO8583 messages to python dictionaries.

Dictionary keys that represent the elements of an ISO8583 message.

  • MTI - Message type indicator

  • DE(1-127) - Standard fields

  • PDSxxxx - Mastercard PDS fields

  • TAGxxxx - ICC tag fields

Import the library:

from cardutil.iso8583 import dumps, loads

Read an ISO8583 message returning dict:

>>> import binascii
>>> binary_bitmap = binascii.unhexlify('c0000000000000000000000000000000')
>>> message_bytes = b'1144' + binary_bitmap + b'164444555566667777'
>>> message_dict = loads(message_bytes)
>>> message_dict
{'MTI': '1144', 'DE2': '4444555566667777'}

Create an ISO8583 message returning bytes:

>>> message_dict = {'MTI': '1144', 'DE2': '4444555566667777'}
>>> message_bytes = dumps(message_dict)
>>> message_bytes

Add encoding parameter if you need different message encoding. All standard python encoding codecs are available. Default is latin_1.

>>> message_dict = {'MTI': '1144', 'DE2': '4444555566667777'}
>>> message_bytes = dumps(message_dict, encoding='cp500')
>>> message_bytes
>>> message_dict = loads(message_bytes, encoding='cp500')
>>> message_dict
{'MTI': '1144', 'DE2': '4444555566667777'}

Set hex_bitmap to True if you require a hex format bitmap:

>>> message_bytes = dumps(message_dict, hex_bitmap=True)
>>> message_bytes
>>> message_dict = loads(message_bytes, hex_bitmap=True)
>>> message_dict
{'MTI': '1144', 'DE2': '4444555566667777'}
exception cardutil.iso8583.Iso8583DataError(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: CardutilError

cardutil.iso8583.dumps(obj: dict, encoding=None, iso_config=None, hex_bitmap=False)[source]

Serialize obj to a ISO8583 message byte string

  • obj – dict containing message data

  • encoding – python text encoding scheme

  • iso_config – iso8583 message configuration dict

  • hex_bitmap – bitmap in hex format


byte string containing ISO8583 message

The default usage will generate a latin_1 encoded message with a binary bitmap:

import cardutil.iso8583
message_dict = {'MTI': '1144', 'DE2': '4444555566667777'}
cardutil.iso8583.loads(b: bytes, encoding=None, iso_config=None, hex_bitmap=False)[source]

Deserialise b (byte string) to a python object

  • b – bytes containing message

  • encoding – python text encoding scheme

  • iso_config – iso8583 message configuration dictionary

  • hex_bitmap – bitmap in hex format


dict containing message data

import cardutil.iso8583
message_bytes = b'1144... iso message ...'


Mastercard ® IPM clearing file readers and writers

  • VBS file readers and writers

  • IPM file readers and writers

  • IPM parameter extract reader

  • Support for 1014 blocked format

Read an IPM file:

from cardutil import mciipm
with open('ipm_in.bin', 'rb') as ipm_in:
    reader = mciipm.IpmReader(ipm_in)
    for record in reader:

Create an IPM file:

from cardutil import mciipm
with open('ipm_out.bin', 'wb') as ipm_out:
    writer = mciipm.IpmWriter(ipm_out)
    writer.write({'MTI': '1111', 'DE2': '9999111122221111'})

MasterCard file formats

VBS file format

This format is a basic variable record format.

There are no carriage returns or line feeds in the file. A file consists of records. Each record is prefixed with a 4 byte binary length.

Say you had a file with the following 2 records:

"This is first record 1234567"  <- length 28
"This is second record AAAABBBBB123"  <- length 34

Add 4 byte binary length to the start of each record. (x’1C’ = 28, x’22’ = 34) with the file finishing with a zero length record length

00000000: 00 00 00 1C 54 68 69 73  20 69 73 20 66 69 72 73  ....This is firs
00000010: 74 20 72 65 63 6F 72 64  20 31 32 33 34 35 36 37  t record 1234567
00000020: 00 00 00 22 54 68 69 73  20 69 73 20 73 65 63 6F  ..."This is seco
00000030: 6E 64 20 72 65 63 6F 72  64 20 41 41 41 41 42 42  nd record AAAABB
00000040: 42 42 42 31 32 33 00 00  00 00                    BBB123....

1014 blocked file format

This is the same as VBS format with 1014 blocking applied.

The VBS data is blocked into lengths of 1012, and an additional 2 x’40’ characters are appended at each block.

Finally, the total file length is made a multiple of 1014 with the final incomplete record being filled with the x’40’ character

Taking the above VBS example

00000000: 00 00 00 1C 54 68 69 73  20 69 73 20 66 69 72 73  ....This is firs
00000010: 74 20 72 65 63 6F 72 64  20 31 32 33 34 35 36 37  t record 1234567
00000020: 00 00 00 22 54 68 69 73  20 69 73 20 73 65 63 6F  ..."This is seco
00000030: 6E 64 20 72 65 63 6F 72  64 20 41 41 41 41 42 42  nd record AAAABB
00000040: 42 42 42 31 32 33 00 00  00 00                    BBB123....

Block to 1014 by adding 2 * x’40’ characters every 1012 characters in the data. Finally fill with x’40’ characters to next 1014 increment. In this case, there is only one increment

00000000: 00 00 00 1C 54 68 69 73  20 69 73 20 66 69 72 73  ....This is firs
00000010: 74 20 72 65 63 6F 72 64  20 31 32 33 34 35 36 37  t record 1234567
00000020: 00 00 00 22 54 68 69 73  20 69 73 20 73 65 63 6F  ..."This is seco
00000030: 6E 64 20 72 65 63 6F 72  64 20 41 41 41 41 42 42  nd record AAAABB
00000040: 42 42 42 31 32 33 00 00  00 00 40 40 40 40 40 40  BBB123....@@@@@@
00000050: 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40  40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40  @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
000003E0: 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40  40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40  @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
000003F0: 40 40 40 40 40 40                                 @@@@@@
exception cardutil.mciipm.MciIpmDataError(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: CardutilError

class cardutil.mciipm.Block1014(file_obj)[source]

Bases: object

1014 Blocker for file objects. Wrap around a file object. Return 1014 blocked data

PAD_CHAR = b'@'
write(bytes_to_write: bytes) None[source]

Write requested bytes to the output file object.

seek(pos: int) None[source]

Finalise then seek file object to requested position


Method only partially implemented. Only use to seek start of file (zero)

close() None[source]

Finalise then close the file object

finalise() None[source]

Complete the blocking operation by creating final 1014 block. Called by close and seek methods to ensure completion.

class cardutil.mciipm.Unblock1014(file_obj: BinaryIO)[source]

Bases: object

Unblocks 1014 blocked file objects. Wrap around a 1014 blocked file object. Return file like object providing only unblocked data

read(bytes_to_read: int = 0)[source]

Read requested bytes from the file object. Returned data will be unblocked

class cardutil.mciipm.VbsReader(vbs_file: BinaryIO, blocked: bool = False)[source]

Bases: object

The VbsReader class can be used to iterate through a VBS formatted file object record by record.

from cardutil.mciipm import VbsReader
with open('vbs_file.bin', 'rb') as vbs_file:
    vbs_reader = VbsReader(vbs_file)
    for vbs_record in vbs_reader:
record_number = 1
last_record = None
class cardutil.mciipm.IpmReader(ipm_file: BinaryIO, encoding: str | None = None, iso_config: dict | None = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: VbsReader

IPM reader can be used to iterate through an IPM file

The file object must be in VBS format.

from cardutil.mciipm import IpmReader
with open('vbs_in.bin', 'rb') as vbs_in:
    reader = IpmReader(vbs_in)
    for record in reader:

If the file required 1014 block format, then set the blocked parameter to True.

from cardutil.mciipm import IpmReader
with open('blocked_in.bin', 'rb') as blocked_in:
    reader = IpmReader(blocked_in, blocked=True)
    for record in reader:
class cardutil.mciipm.IpmParamReader(param_file: BinaryIO, table_id: str, encoding: str | None = None, param_config: dict | None = None, expanded: bool = False, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: VbsReader

IPM Param reader can be used to iterate through an IPM parameter extract file. The record is returned as a dictionary containing the parameter keys.

from cardutil.mciipm import IpmParamReader
with open('param.bin', 'rb') as param_in:
    reader = IpmParamReader(param_in, table_id='IP0040T1')
    for record in reader:

If the parameter file is 1014 block format, then set the blocked parameter to True.

from cardutil.mciipm import IpmParamReader
with open('blocked_param.bin', 'rb') as param_in:
    reader = IpmParamReader(param_in, table_id='IP0040T1', blocked=True)
    for record in reader:
class cardutil.mciipm.VbsWriter(out_file: BinaryIO, blocked: bool = False)[source]

Bases: object

Writes VBS formatted files.

The writer can be used as follows:

>>> with io.BytesIO() as vbs_out:
...     writer = VbsWriter(vbs_out)
...     writer.write(b'This is the record')
...     writer.close()

The close method must be issued to finalise the file by adding the zero length record which indicated the end of the file. The message is a byte string containing the data.

Alternatively, you can use as a context manager which will take care of the writer closure.

>>> with io.BytesIO() as vbs_out:
...     with VbsWriter(vbs_out, blocked=True) as writer:
...         writer.write(b'This is the record')
write(record: bytes) None[source]

Add a new record to the VBS output file


record – byte string containing data



write_many(iterable: Iterable[bytes]) None[source]

Convenience method to write multiple records from an iterable


iterable – iterable providing records as bytes



close() None[source]

Finalise the VBS file output by adding the zero length file record.



class cardutil.mciipm.IpmWriter(file_obj: BinaryIO, encoding: str | None = None, iso_config: dict | None = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: VbsWriter

IPM writer can be used to write records to a Mastercard IPM file

>>> with io.BytesIO() as ipm_out:
...    writer = IpmWriter(ipm_out)
...    writer.write({'MTI': '1111', 'DE2': '9999111122221111'})
...    writer.close()

If the required file is 1014 block format, then set the blocked parameter to True.

>>> with io.BytesIO() as ipm_out:
...     writer = IpmWriter(ipm_out, blocked=True)
...     writer.write({'MTI': '1111', 'DE2': '9999111122221111'})
...     writer.close()

You can provide the specific file encoding if required. All standard python encoding schemes are supported. Mainframe systems likely use cp500

>>> with io.BytesIO() as ipm_out:
...     writer = IpmWriter(ipm_out, encoding='cp500')
...     writer.write({'MTI': '1111', 'DE2': '9999111122221111'})
...     writer.close()

Alternatively use as a context manager to ensure closure at end of processing

>>> with io.BytesIO() as ipm_out:
...     with IpmWriter(ipm_out, encoding='cp500') as writer:
...         writer.write({'MTI': '1111', 'DE2': '9999111122221111'})
write(obj: dict) None[source]

Writes new record to IPM file


obj – dictionary object containing ISO8583 elements.

See cardutil.iso8583 for expected dict object keys.



write_many(iterable: Iterable[dict]) None[source]

Convenience method to write multiple records from an iterable


iterable – iterable providing records as dict



cardutil.mciipm.unblock_1014(input_data: BinaryIO, output_data: BinaryIO)[source]

Unblocks a 1014 byte blocked file object

  • input_data – 1014 blocked IPM file object

  • output_data – unblocked file object

cardutil.mciipm.block_1014(input_data: BinaryIO, output_data: BinaryIO)[source]

Creates a 1014 byte blocked file object

  • input_data – file object to be 1014 byte blocked

  • output_data – 1014 byte blocked file object

cardutil.mciipm.vbs_list_to_bytes(byte_list: iter, **kwargs) bytes[source]

Convenience function for creating VBS byte strings (optionally blocked) from list of byte strings

  • byte_list – a list containing byte string records

  • kwargs – any options to be passed to VbsWriter constructor. See cardutil.mciipm.VbsWriter


single byte string containing VBS data.

cardutil.mciipm.vbs_bytes_to_list(vbs_bytes: bytes, **kwargs) list[source]

Convenience function for unpacking VBS byte strings to byte string list

  • vbs_bytes – single byte string containing VBS data

  • kwargs – any options to be passed to VbsReader constructor. See cardutil.mciipm.VbsReader


a list containing byte string records

cardutil.mciipm.ipm_info(input_data: BinaryIO) dict[source]

Use this function to inspect an IPM file and provide details


input_data – The file like object of IPM data


a dictionary containing file information:

    "isValidIPM": True,
    "reason": "If not valid, describes the reason"
    "isBlocked": True,
    "encoding": "latin1",
cardutil.mciipm.bitmap_check(bitmap: bytes) -> (<class 'bool'>, <class 'str'>)[source]
cardutil.mciipm.encoding_check(mti: bytes) str[source]

This function will check if an MTI in record looks like ASCII based encoding or EBCDIC encoding. This is a very basic encoding check.



There are many different pin block formats in use in the payment card industry. The pinblock module provides functions for working with the various pin blocks formats in a consistent way.

Available pin block formats:

How to use:

# create the pinblock instance. Inputs will vary depending on the format
>>> pb = Iso0PinBlock(pin='1234', card_number='1111222233334444')

# output pinblock bytes
>>> binascii.hexlify(pb.to_bytes())

# create pinblock instance from bytes
>>> pb2 = Iso0PinBlock.from_bytes(pb.to_bytes(), card_number='1111222233334444')

Pinblock mix-ins

Common operations associated with pin blocks include encryption and calculation of a pin verification value.

This module allows you to add pinblock encryption and pin verification calculators to a pinblock class through the use of mixins.

Creating pinblock objects

How to create pinblock class with encryption and pin verification support:

# use a predefined pinblock object
>>> Pinblock = Iso0TDESPinBlockWithVisaPVV

# or create your own class including required mix-ins
>>> class PinBlock(Iso0PinBlock, TdesEncryptedPinBlockMixin, VisaPVVPinBlockMixin):
...    pass

# or use the type builtin to create the class
>>> PinBlock = type('MyPinBlock', (Iso0PinBlock, TdesEncryptedPinBlockMixin, VisaPVVPinBlockMixin), {})

# create the pinblock instance. Inputs will vary depending on the format
>>> pb = PinBlock(pin='1234', card_number='1111222233334444')

Pinblock encryption

The encryption mixin’s adds pin block encrption and decryption. Adds from_enc_bytes constructor and to_enc_bytes method.


The use of an encryption mix-in requires the install of additional modules. Use pip install cardutil[crypto].

Available pinblock encryption mix-ins:

How to encrypt and decrypt a pinblock:

# output encrypted pinblock bytes
>>> epb = pb.to_enc_bytes(key='00' * 16)
>>> binascii.hexlify(epb)

# create new pinblock from encrypted pinblock bytes
>>> pb2 = PinBlock.from_enc_bytes(
...       enc_pin_block=epb,
...       card_number='1111222233334444',
...       key='00' * 16)

Pin verification values

The pin verification mixin’s add pin verification value calculators to the pinblock object. Adds to_pvv method.


The use of a pin verification mix-in requires the install of additional modules. Use pip install cardutil[crypto].

Available pin verification mix-ins:

How to generate pin verification value:

>>> pb.to_pvv(pvv_key='00' * 16)
class cardutil.pinblock.AbstractPinBlock(pin: str, *args: any, **kwargs: any)[source]

Bases: ABC

Base PinBlock object class from which implementation will subclass

property pin: str

The card pin as a string

abstract classmethod from_bytes(pin_block: bytes, *args: any, **kwargs: any)[source]

Create pinblock object from pinblock bytes


pin_block – bytes containing pin block


PinBlock object

abstract to_bytes() bytes[source]

Get the pinblock bytes


bytes containing pinblock

class cardutil.pinblock.Iso0PinBlock(pin: str, card_number: str | None = None, **kwargs: any)[source]

Bases: AbstractPinBlock

ISO 9564-1 format 0, ANSI X9.8, Visa-1 and ECI-0

Pin block structure:

PIN Block = P1 XOR P2


* L = Length of pin
* P = Pin
* F = Fill, x'F'
* C = Last 12 digits of card number (excluding check digit)
classmethod from_bytes(pin_block: bytes, card_number: str | None = None, *args: any, **kwargs: any)[source]

Create object from pin block bytes

  • pin_block – the pin block bytes

  • card_number – the card number


the pin

to_bytes() bytes[source]

Get the pin block bytes


pin block as bytes

class cardutil.pinblock.Iso4PinBlock(pin: str, random_value: int | None = None, **kwargs: any)[source]

Bases: AbstractPinBlock

ISO 9564-1 Format 4 pin block

This block is 16 bytes long.

Pinblock structure:



* C = type of pinblock, x'4'
* L = Length of pin, x'4' to x'C'
* P = Pin
* a = additional Pin or x'A'
* A = Fill, x'A'
* R = Random values, x'0' to x'F'
to_bytes() bytes[source]

Get the pinblock bytes


bytes containing pinblock

classmethod from_bytes(pin_block: bytes, *args: any, **kwargs: any) AbstractPinBlock[source]

Create pinblock object from pinblock bytes


pin_block – bytes containing pin block


PinBlock object

class cardutil.pinblock.TdesEncryptedPinBlockMixin[source]

Bases: ABC

Adds 3DES encryption to pin blocks

abstract classmethod from_bytes(*args, **kwargs)[source]
abstract to_bytes(*args, **kwargs)[source]
classmethod from_enc_bytes(enc_pin_block: bytes, key: str, *args: any, **kwargs: any)[source]

Create pinblock object using encrypted pinblock and card number

  • enc_pin_block – bytes containing encrypted pin block

  • card_number – string containing card number

  • key – hex string containing pin protection key (PPK)


PinBlock object

to_enc_bytes(key: str) bytes[source]

Get the encrypted pinblock bytes


bytes containing encrypted pinblock

static encrypt(key: str, data: bytes) bytes[source]
static decrypt(key: str, cipher_data: bytes) bytes[source]
class cardutil.pinblock.AESEncryptedPinBlockMixin[source]

Bases: ABC

Adds AES encryption to pin blocks

abstract classmethod from_bytes(*args, **kwargs)[source]
abstract to_bytes(*args, **kwargs)[source]
classmethod from_enc_bytes(enc_pin_block: bytes, key: str, *args: any, **kwargs: any)[source]

Create pinblock object using encrypted pinblock and card number

  • enc_pin_block – bytes containing encrypted pin block

  • key – hex string containing pin protection key (PPK)


PinBlock object

to_enc_bytes(key: str) bytes[source]

Get the encrypted pinblock bytes


bytes containing encrypted pinblock

static encrypt(key: str, data: bytes) bytes[source]
static decrypt(key: str, cipher_data: bytes) bytes[source]
class cardutil.pinblock.VisaPVVPinBlockMixin[source]

Bases: ABC

Adds Visa PVV calculator to pin blocks

abstract property pin: str
to_pvv(pvv_key, key_index=1, card_number=None)[source]

The algorithm generates a 4-digit PIN verification value (PVV).

  • pvv_key – the pvv key

  • key_index – the visa key index

  • card_number – the card number


pvv value

cardutil.pinblock.calculate_pvv(pin: str, pvv_key: str, key_index: int, card_number: str)[source]

The algorithm generates a 4-digit PIN verification value (PVV).

See IBM documentation

  • pin – the pin to calculate PVV for

  • pvv_key – the pvv key as a hex formatted string

  • key_index – the visa key index

  • card_number – the card number


pvv value

class cardutil.pinblock.Iso0TDESPinBlockWithVisaPVV(pin: str, card_number: str | None = None, **kwargs: any)[source]

Bases: Iso0PinBlock, TdesEncryptedPinBlockMixin, VisaPVVPinBlockMixin

class cardutil.pinblock.Iso4AESPinBlockWithVisaPVV(pin: str, random_value: int | None = None, **kwargs: any)[source]

Bases: Iso4PinBlock, AESEncryptedPinBlockMixin, VisaPVVPinBlockMixin


Provides services related to card numbers.

  • check digits

  • masking

cardutil.card.calculate_check_digit(card_number: str) str[source]

calculate luhn 10 check digit.


card_number – number to calculate check digit for excluding check digit.


check digit value

cardutil.card.validate_check_digit(card_number: str) str[source]

validate luhn 10 check digit


card_number – number with check digit




AssertionError – Check digit is not valid

cardutil.card.add_check_digit(card_number: str) str[source]

adds luhn 10 check digit


card_number – number to add check digit for


number with check digit

cardutil.card.mask(card_number: str, mask_char: str = '*') str[source]

returns a masked version of a card number Format is First 6, last 4 digits.

  • card_number – the card number to mask

  • mask_char – the character to use in masking


masked card number


cardutil.key.get_zone_master_key(*key_parts: str) -> (<class 'str'>, <class 'str'>)[source]

combine keys components to get clear key


key_parts – list of keys components to be combined


clear key, key check value

cardutil.key.get_enc_zone_master_key(master_key: str, *key_parts: str) -> (<class 'str'>, <class 'str'>)[source]
cardutil.key.calculate_kcv(binary_key: bytes, kvc_length: int = 6) str[source]

Calculate key check value for given key

  • binary_key – the key bytes

  • kvc_length – length of kvc value: default is 6


key check value

cardutil.key.encrypt_key(key_to_encrypt: str, master_key: str) bytes[source]


The config module contains the default configuration for the cardutil library.

The config consists of a single dictionary called config with a number of keys for different configuration data.


The iso8583 module functions require configuration that details how to process the bitmap in a message.

Field definitions in an ISO8583 message are generally the same but there can be variations you may need to cater for with the different card schemes. The library supports provision of custom ISO8583 configuration.

If a configuration is not provided, the variable config['bit_config'] in provides a Mastercard specific ISO8583 configuration.

The config is in the form of a python dictionary structured as follows

    "1": {
        "field_name": "Bitmap secondary",
        "field_type": "FIXED",
        "field_length": 8},
    "2": {
        "field_name": "PAN",
        "field_type": "LLVAR",
        "field_length": 0,
        "field_processor": "PAN",
        "field_processor_config": "",
        "field_python_type": "string",
        "field_date_format": "%y%m%d"}

The config dictionary contains a string key for each valid bit in the bitmap. For example, the config for bit 1 with have the key “1”.

The value for the bit is a dictionary containing the following values:


description of the bit field

defines the ISO8583 field type
  • FIXED : field with fixed length

  • LLVAR : field with variable length - 2 character length value

  • LLLVAR : field with variable length - 2 character length value


length of the field. Use zero for variable length fields.

(optional) a process to apply to a field.
  • PAN: For use with PAN fields. Mask PAN using first 6, last 4 pattern

  • PAN-PREFIX: For use with PAN fields. Only get first 9 PAN numbers – prefix

  • ICC: Mastercard ICC field. Adds TAGxxxx keys to output

  • PDS: Mastercard PDS field. Processes PDSxxxx fields

  • DE43: Mastercard Merchant details field. Adds DE43 sub fields DE43_*


(optional) Where a field processor requires extra config, it can be placed in this field.

For DE43 processor:

field should contain a regex to split the DE43 field up into components. The regex groups defined will be added to the returned dictionary. Use Python regex variation.

(optional) When processing between iso and python, determines the python object type.
  • string: default if no type provided

  • int

  • decimal: use if your field has decimal place

  • datetime: use if your field is a date


(optional) If your field python type is datetime, then you use this to specify the format of the date in the iso record.

Use standard python datetime.strptime see strftime() and strptime() Behaviour.

Default format is “%y%m%d”


This config defines the ISO elements that will be present in CSV file output. Is a list of the field keys

["MTI", "DE2", "DE3", "DE4", "DE12", "DE14", "DE22", "DE23", "DE24", "DE25", "DE26"]


Provides configuration required to extract IPM parameter extracts.

Expanded file format should be used - not compressed. The effective timestamp, table_id and active inactive code should not be included here - they are automatically included in the extract.

    "IP0006T1": {
        "card_program_id": {"start": 19, "end": 22},
        "data_element_id": {"start": 22, "end": 25},
        "data_element_name": {"start": 25, "end": 82},
        "data_element_format": {"start": 82, "end": 85}
    "IP0040T1": {}